A plate of healthy food
Posted on Fri, 16/03/2018

Healthy eating

We eat food to create energy in our bodies so we can get through the day. However, we tend to forget that. We eat food to absorb the nutrients vital to our body’s correct functioning. It is important to be aware of the three main macronutrients and over 17 different micronutrients so that we can include these in our daily food choices if we choose to get a healthy dose of vitamins and minerals. Studies suggest that eating plenty of whole foods will dramatically cut our risk of most chronic diseases, including cancer, diabetes and heart disease. But if we choose processed food products containing a long ingredient list, we will miss the crucial nutrients that keep us safe from disease and make us feel full of vitality.


Caffeinated drinks and alcohol are dehydrating. Water is the best way to hydrate your body. You can also get fluids through fruit juices, sparkling or flavoured waters and tea. Ideally, we should consume 8-10 glasses of water daily. Good Hydration can help prevent and treat many ailments such as; heart disease, diabetes, constipation, bad skin, and low energy.

Nutrition on the move

  • Meal deals: Choose wisely! Avoid the “meal deal” and special offers that include a fizzy drink and a bag of crisps. These products are high in fat and sugar and have little nutritional value.
  • Choices: Ignore the “confectionery” aisle. Again these foods will undoubtedly be high in fat and sugar. Look at the content of your sandwich choices; limit those high in mayonnaise, cheese, and bacon (high in saturated fats). Also, choose wholemeal bread in preference to white bread (wholemeal bread will keep you fuller for longer and is far more nutritious.

Work and health

It is important to remember that lifestyle choices (nutrition, smoking, alcohol and activity levels) influence our health. Make sure your food choices are healthy to support your day-to-day wellbeing.

Cardiovascular disease is the biggest killer in the UK. The British Herat Foundation (BHF) has published Guideline Daily Amounts (GDAs) to help people understand and monitor their daily intake of fat, saturated fat, salt and Kcal. Regular overconsumption, particularly processed foods, can increase an individual’s risk of cardiovascular disease through weight gain, increased blood pressure, and increased cholesterol.

Balancing work and a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. Eating healthily requires the risk tools, information and planning, the same ingredients in a successful work project.

Nutrition and digestion

Digestive problems are more common in shift workers due to disrupting the body clock and poor diet. Plan meals to help you stay alert at work and relax/sleep when you need to rest.

When at work

  • Choose foods you find easy to ingest like soup, rice, salad, smoothies or juices and fruit.
  • Choose foods that are easy to digest, such as pasta, rice, bread, salad, fruit, vegetables and milk.
  • Avoid fatty, spicy and heavy meals as these are more difficult to digest.
  • Drink plenty of fluids as dehydration can contribute to indigestion.
  • Try to eat away from our desk in a quiet environment – chew your food thoroughly.
  • Eating whilst distracted or stressed may contribute to poor digestion, and symptoms can include bloating, burping and indigestion.
  • Mental or physical stimulation will impair digestion as blood flow is diverted away from the stomach, so try not to eat on the run.

Eating at work

Work can often involve preparing food at work with limited facilities; consider the following simple modification to make your food choices healthier.