A hand in front of a face
Posted on Sat, 17/03/2018


Workplace harassment includes types of discrimination which act as a violation that is not confined to one specific group. The wide-ranging types of workplace harassment can be loosely categorised into emotional and physical abuse. Bullying and harassment are types of behaviour that could make someone feel intimidated or offended.

Any form of harassment should not be tolerated regardless of whether the behaviour is exhibited by a co-worker, supervisor or someone from higher management. This behaviour within your work environment can create a hostile and intimidating environment for anyone involved.

Some examples of bullying or harassing behaviour include:

  • Spreading malicious rumours or insulting someone
  • Ridiculing or demeaning someone – picking on them or setting them up to fail
  • Exclusion or victimisation
  • Unfair treatment
  • Overbearing supervision or misuse of power or position
  • Unwelcome sexual advances – touching, standing too close, the display of offensive materials, asking for sexual favours, making decisions based on sexual advances being accepted or rejected
  • Making threats or comments about job security without foundation
  • Deliberately undermining a competent worker by overloading and constant criticism
  • Preventing individuals from progressing by intentionally blocking promotion or training opportunities.

Do bullying and harassment count just face-to-face?

Bullying and harassment can also occur in written communications, phone and direct supervision. For example, setting KPIs that do not apply to all staff.

Knowing the law

Bullying itself isn’t against the law, but harassment is. This is when the unwanted behaviour is related to one of the following:

  • Sex                        
  • Disability
  • Gender (including gender reassignment)
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sexual orientation

Preventing, identifying and managing harassment

Everyone has the right to enjoy a respectful and positive working environment. Employers are responsible for providing safe and healthy surroundings where employees can enjoy a bullying and harassment-free working experience, not just in the office but in any area where work is performed. This extends to training, conferences, social outings and work parties.

Employers are required to identify and manage the risk of harassment at work. They should provide clear policies concerning harassment and bullying detailing their responsibilities and those of their workforce to raise awareness of related issues and set workplace behaviour standards.

What can you do if you feel you’re being bullied or harassed?

Bullying and harassment are often clear-cut, but sometimes, people are unsure whether or not the way they are being treated is acceptable.

If this applies to you, there are several things to consider, including:

  • Has there been a change of management or organisational style to which you need time to adjust
  • Is there an organisational statement of standards or behaviour that you can consult?
  • Can you discuss your worries with your personnel manager, line manager/supervisor or colleagues?
  • Can you agree on changes to workload or ways of working to make it easier for you to cope?

If you are sure you are being bullied or harassed, then there are several options to consider, which are set out below. You should take any action you decide upon as quickly as possible.

  • If you’re reluctant to make a complaint, speak to someone with whom you feel comfortable discussing the problem.
  • Keep a diary of all incidents – records of dates, times, any witnesses, your feelings etc.
  • Tell the person to stop whatever they are doing that is causing you distress; they may be unaware.
  • If you cannot confront the bully, consider writing a memo to them to clarify what it is you object to in their behaviour. Keep copies of this and any replies, be firm but not aggressive, be positive and calm, sticking to the facts.
  • If you make a formal complaint, follow your employer’s procedures.